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RWBTC is a recreational bicycling club devoted to the promotion of friendly cycling in the Redlands, CA area.


Double Century training
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Jerry if there are interested members then the goal would be to earn the California Triple Crown ( this qualifies qualifyers to buy and wear the jersey etc),so I suggest the Camino and Hemet double centuries to plan for, in addition to the fun Grand Tour. to ready for doubles one has to only be comfortable riding centuries !
As I told Russell at last night's meeting, I am considering running a double century training group, starting mid or late March, 2016, with a target of completing the Grand Tour Double Century in late June, 2016. If there is enough interest to offer the training group, it would be run in a similar fashion to the club's century training group in the winter.
Is there a club interest for readying for double centuries. If so, I and also Jerry Green will accomadate rides. The Californis Triple Crown qualification requires that three double centuries be ridden, sponsered by the organization within one year. I also thought that years ago I might try one, after hearing a club presentation, but I rode six that year and today I have ridden a few more. Often new riders have ridden doubles with me, as I now dont want a fast finishing time. If interested let me know. or cell text 909-534-2210
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