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RWBTC is a recreational bicycling club devoted to the promotion of friendly cycling in the Redlands, CA area.


Letter to the Editor!
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If you like the bicycle lanes in town, let the Facts know.

Our local paper, the Redlands Facts, has posed a question for the editorial page this week:

“What do you think of our bicycle lanes? Do they make Redlands more charming with cleaner air, or are they making driving a bother?”

As one who rides a bike several days a week, I certainly am in favor of continued development of bike lanes. I am hoping that many of you will help let everyone know how much you appreciate the bike lanes, street repair, and other improvements that the city is making to create a better cycling environment!  I know there will be those who weigh in on the other side.  We need to make some noise about this!

You can share your thoughts by sending a note to with “Question of the Week” in the subject line.

Include your full name and city of residence, and include a daytime phone number.

Those of you who do not live in Redlands:  It's particularly important that you weigh in - because you come to Redlands to ride.  And you spend money while you are here.  Our local coffee shops, eateries, bike shops and breweries depend on you. So let your thoughts be known. 
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