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RWBTC is a recreational bicycling club devoted to the promotion of friendly cycling in the Redlands, CA area.

Organized Rides

Cool Breeze
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Count me in for Friday night dinner.
Count me in for Friday evening dinner

Pam B
Ok Don G. Count me and a guest in for Friday night.

The original post was an error.  The RSVP is for Friday Night at Cafe Fiore.  There may also be plans for Saturday and Sunday morning breakfast to be announced.  Please frequently check the Forums for the latest updates.  Thank you… 

Victor, the reservations at Cafe Fiore is for Friday Night. Hope you can still make it.  We may also have a Saturday night option…TBA

Please add me and a guest to the list. Thank you.

RSVP me (Don G)  Friday (Cafe Fiore)

Candy has made reservations for Cafe Fiore in Ventura for Friday evening dinner.  Time 7:00 pm .  She has RSVP for about 10-12 people for 7:00 pm. Please reply and tell us you are coming.

Cafe Fiore (Ventura)
Hi Don,

Don Garcia and myself have already signed up.
Who is riding the Cool Breeze this year?
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