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RWBTC is a recreational bicycling club devoted to the promotion of friendly cycling in the Redlands, CA area.

General Membership

Macaroni & cheese or Apple Crisp
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But I am a pushover for Apple crisp !
Ummm.. I vote for both! Actually, anything Dianna makes is awesome, so I won't be picky :)
I vote for mac and Chez
I love to cook and thank goodness Don rides 250 miles a week or he wouldn't fit in the bed! After much searching (thank you Facebook replies) I have an amazing recipe for Macaroni &Cheese or my great fallback, Apple Crisp. Sorry Father's Day riders...Panko Crusted Salmon can. Only be done at 6,000 feet over a campfire. So...tell me what you'd like to see at the potluck elections meeting! (Russ, Black Bean Humus is made specially for you.). PS. Dianna for Treasurer!
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