OK, so first off I'm not going to claim to be the perfect rider, but after 2 falls and trips to hospital on the last 2 century training rides I feel that I have to say something. I have had comments about safety several times recently, not just the last 2 weeks and I feel the need to start a thread on this subject. Please feel free to pitch in, say I'm right, wrong, just let's get the conversation moving.
We used to have a page for
Rules of the Road in the old website, this information is still available in the documents section, click
here to view these. I'm not sure if all the references to the California Vehicle Code are still correct, but there is good information here. Going beyond this here are a few things I think that we could do better on:
- Car back. This means get out of the way. Riding in the middle of the road while this is being yelled at you from behind is not what is intended. Whilst it can be difficult to get back in line please move over to the right at least and make an effort to get in line.
- Slowing or Stopping. Please announce when you start to slow or stop. If you have an emergency (bee in the helmet or something) announce stopping before hitting the brakes and move over to the right as far as possible as soon as you have stopped. If you are in a line then announce slowing as soon as you stop pedaling as this will cause an accordian effect and announcing this will help those behind avoid a collision.
- Hole, Glass, Debris, etc. If you are at the front please announce these. If you are in the line please pass this information back. Pointing might be best, but if you cannot take you hands off the handlebars, say something.
- On your left. Please announce as before you pass. Avoid passing on the right; we have mirrors on our left and the right hand side is a huge blindspot. You could easily startle someone as you pass them like this, especially if there is not much space. If you must do this then you also must announce your presence.
- Clear. When you are making an announcement about an intersection, please consider that the message that you are giving is for those behind. If you are trying to tell the person in front please consider that they have a better view of the intersection and thus they know better than you. I try to only say clear when I am in or about to be in the middle of the intersection. If you are trying to tell the person in front to move it you could be endangering the person behind you.
- Red lights. Don't run them, it's not worth it.
- Pace lining. If you are in a line try to position yourself slightly to one side of the person in front and look around them, don't just sit 6 inches from their wheel staring at it. Be ready to pull to the one side if the person in front slows suddenly.
- Pay attention to yourself. We all get tired towards the end of the ride, but mistakes can be made so easily at this point so try to identify if you are getting tired and be extra careful.
This post isn't intended to call out any one person or incident, but I feel that as a group we have perhaps become too confident and could do better. There is a group that I have been riding with twice a week for nearly six years now and I will admit that when I ride with this group I more confident and relax these rules somewhat, but I have to remember not to bring that confidence to a group I don't know so well. I'm sure that I have also been guilty of breaking all of these rules at some point, but that is not the point. We can all do better.