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RWBTC is a recreational bicycling club devoted to the promotion of friendly cycling in the Redlands, CA area.


Fall Climbing Rides with Tina and Harro (October-N...
Don G
Interested in improving your climbing skills or just want to do more climbing rides?  Here's a unique opportunity for you.
Tina and Harro are planning climbing rides for Fall and the schedule will be posted on the ride calendar.
Weather permitting here are the rides:
October 3 - Highway 38 (Damnation Alley) to Forest Falls/Angelus Oaks Fork 44 miles 3,500 Ft.
October 10- Oak Glen 44 miles 4,200 Ft.
October 17 - Claremont to Mt. Baldy via East Fork (this ride begins at the Claremont train station) 54
miles 5,400 Ft.
October 24 - Jenk's Lake 65 miles 6,500 Ft. 
October 31 - La Canada/Flintridge to Newcomb's Ranch 63 miles 7,400 Ft.
November 7 - Wrightwood to Newcomb's Ranch 65 miles 8,200 Ft.
Route maps soon to follow.
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