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RWBTC is a recreational bicycling club devoted to the promotion of friendly cycling in the Redlands, CA area.

Evening rides

Friday Nite Ride Leader Needed for the Summer
Paul Ross
I'm going to miss many of the Friday nite rides this summer and would like to find a ride leader ... if you are interested to do any or all or them from June through August let Jim know at


Michael Miller
I have been out of the loop for a while. I get emails that say tis ride is starting at 5:30 Friday from Ritual Brewery, and the Events page says it starts at SART Waterman. Two weeks ago I went to Waterman and no one showed, this past week I went to Ritual and when no one showed by 5:20 there, I went to Waterman and there was no one there.

After riding I went back to Ritual, no signs of anyone there. Just wondering if this is still a going ride? Or has it moved?
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