Michael Miller
7/13/2015 12:59 PM
I have been out of the loop for a while. I get emails that say tis ride is starting at 5:30 Friday from Ritual Brewery, and the Events page says it starts at SART Waterman. Two weeks ago I went to Waterman and no one showed, this past week I went to Ritual and when no one showed by 5:20 there, I went to Waterman and there was no one there.
After riding I went back to Ritual, no signs of anyone there. Just wondering if this is still a going ride? Or has it moved?
Paul Ross
5/21/2015 12:41 PM
I'm going to miss many of the Friday nite rides this summer and would like to find a ride leader ... if you are interested to do any or all or them from June through August let Jim know at rides@rwbtc.org.