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RWBTC is a recreational bicycling club devoted to the promotion of friendly cycling in the Redlands, CA area.


Shimano Ride & Meeting Carpool Discussion
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Ward, thank you. I checked with the respondents and everyone has a ride. If anyone sees this and disagrees, it looks like Ward may be able to take a rider.

I registered but could not register for Sandy. She is coming too. We could take 2 extra bikes & riders. Please contact me to prearrange.

This discussion group is for those riders who need transportation and drivers who can drive for the Ride and Meeting at Shimano this Monday April 6.  Suggest to meet up at Stells by 2:00 pm to get to Shimano by 3:30 pm.

Drivers and Riders please post your availability and transportation needs here.  Hopefully you already have arranged for transportation.  See you there!
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