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RWBTC is a recreational bicycling club devoted to the promotion of friendly cycling in the Redlands, CA area.

Saturday rides

RIVERSIDE START - L-3 Remote Ride; Corona To San C...
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I am looking for a ride for me and my bike from North San Bernardino to the Riverside Metrolink station off of Mission Inn.  I do not need a ride back and you would need to pick me up about 6am.  Let me know, Thanks, Mark

Ride option to start from Riverside Downtown Metrolink Station. Roll at 6:45am, arrive Corona West Metrolink Station approx. 8:05am (for 8:30 start, as listed on calendar). Ticket back to Riverside after the ride is the same $10 as to W. Corona.

20.5 easy miles - Riverside to W Corona. Riverside to San Clemente approx. 75 mi

Route from Riverside to W. Corona =
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